Everyman Archives @LJMU
I was tasked with creating the branding for four upcoming events for the Everyman Archives @LJMU. This work included a poster, Instagram advertisement, plasma screen advertisement and video advertisement for each event.
The tile pattern that features on each design is inspired by the main west facing façade of the building, which is as a large-scale public work of art consisting of 105 moveable metal sunshades, each one carrying a life-sized, water-cut portrait of a contemporary Liverpool resident. Within the tiles, I have included images that relate to each event, for example a Shirley Valentine poster that is available to view within the archives, for the ‘Explore our Archives Day’.
I wanted every design to include a bold main colour in order to catch the eye of the public, every colour palette used is either isnpired by items within the archive or the theatre itself. Quotes from The Everyman’s Identity and Beliefs also feature.
Brand Identity and Advertisements.